
Workshops & Events

Enlightened Consultants are professionally trained educators, teachers, facilitators and team leaders in the Mental Health and Disability sectors. We are skilled in Appreciative Inquiry, Non-Violent Communication, World Cafe facilitation, and interactive & responsive learning.

We regularly develop and facilitate World Cafe sessions for hosting large group dialogue, and use Appreciative Inquiry approaches to problem-solving and change development.

Our collective backgrounds in Teaching, Drama, Social Work, Psychology, Mental Health practice and our supporting technical expertise equips us with a wide range of talents and skills to help your organisation, leaders and workers be the best they can and should be.


We are the only Australian Certified Personal Medicine Coach trainers and regularly offer CPMC Training Cohorts.

Custom Development

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding  development, presentation and hosting of any of these workshops & events for your organisation.
